Sunday, October 26, 2008

just a brief thought

Haven't updated this in a while so i figured i'd throw out an idea that just popped into my head for anyone who reads to ponder.
What would George Bush's administration look like now had 9/11 never happened?
How drastically different would this current election be?
I guess it just brings to light how entirely world changing 9/11 is/was.
I am a liberal, not afraid to state that but i do believe that, given no wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, George Bush would not be the infamous president he is today. I believe he would have faded into obscurity (aside from his scandalous elections) and been mediocre to fair. Thoughts? Things?


Anonymous said...

thats so interesting would we still be in Iraq? we def woulndt be in Afganistan prob.

J K Hirst said...

I don't know, I feel like he would have found some way to mess it up. Well when we look at it closer, we should ask ourselves if Cheney would have screwed anything else up. Or what would the two terms would have been like without Cheney as VP??