Thursday, September 25, 2008

A collage of ideas: Farting is offensive to Cops; In need of a writing community; lies and the liars who lie in them

Title is, by no means, in order or a complete compendium of what i might say in here.

First off I am an aspiring novelist and I'd really like to connect with a group of people who want to get together every once in a while (weekly perhaps?) and read and critique each others works. (this, I suppose, is a more local plea)

I was very proud of my girlfriend recently. She broke an incredible social cycle, one which i have never understood. When a social clique is in conflict, it is natural for people to try and spread their bets even by playing to both sides in an attempt to fall in with the winner. For instance: two individuals disagree on a particular issue, statement etc. one of them asks the opinion of a third party source in confidence. That individual, in confidence, agrees with the person asking the question. When the other conflicted member approaches the same person, in confidence, that person will agree with them. So in reality no one has a full image of which side this person is on. The idea is that neither of the individuals would ever divulge the conversation to the other, and so by playing it safe and not choosing a side you are able to maintain friendships across the board, regardless of how truthful you have been.
My girlfriend, however, broke this cycle. While she was talking to the person she was in a disagreement with, she called out one of the people that both of them had spoken too and, in a public forum, forced them to declare who was right. To some this might seem bitchy "oh no she broke this persons trust! She forced a confrontation" well in reality what she did was a win-win for her. If she called this person out and the individual sided with her, then the other person saw that their position was weak and illegitimate. If the person she called out sided with her opponent she gains credibility, showing that the person is a fake who is willing to lie for personal gain.
I suppose the point of this rant is that we, as people, should choose sides, and if we are moderate in an argument, then openly opt to not take a side. It is cowardice in the highest form to attempt to side with both people, it shows you have no true loyalties.
I would really like to see/perform a social experiment based on the idea of social loyalties...more on that later! <----really?

How much respect do we owe police men? I live on a street where, not two days ago, two officers were shot and one was killed. I have enormous amounts of respect for the men in blue who put their lives on the line for our safety every day. It is incredible. However, how much power should they be allowed? Someone makes them a little angry and suddenly they can destroy a life. The man was drunk and should, at most, serve a minimal sentance. However now he is being charged with assaulting a police officer which could potentially get him a very severe sentencing.

Keep thinking your thoughts and things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If someone murdered not once but twice, whether sober or not, I think that they should be sentenced to the max.

Especially if it was a police officer who was killed.